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Have you ever noticed an unpleasant odour coming from your kitchen or bathroom sink? It’s not only an annoyance but also a potential sign of an underlying issue. As a trusted plumbing company, Grouse Plumbing is here to guide you through this common household problem.

Accumulation of Food Waste:

One of the primary causes of sink odours in the kitchen is the accumulation of food waste. Over time, food particles can build up in your sink drain, leading to bacterial growth and foul smells. To prevent this, make sure to scrape food scraps into the trash before washing dishes, and use a sink strainer to catch any remaining debris.

Clogged or Dirty P-Trap:

The P-trap, a curved pipe located beneath your sink, is designed to trap water and prevent sewer gases from entering your home. However, if the P-trap becomes clogged with debris or becomes dirty, it can lead to a foul odour. Regularly cleaning the P-trap and removing any blockages can help eliminate the smell.

Dry P-Trap:

If you have a sink that is not frequently used, such as in a guest bathroom, the P-trap may dry out over time. When the P-trap is dry, sewer gases can rise up through the drain, causing an unpleasant smell. To solve this issue, run water down the drain periodically to keep the P-trap filled.

Damaged or Leaking Pipes:

Leaks or damage in your sink’s plumbing system can allow sewer gases to escape, resulting in unpleasant odours. If you suspect a leak or damage, it is crucial to contact a licensed plumber to inspect and repair the issue promptly.

Hard Water Deposits:

In areas with hard water, mineral deposits can build up in your sink’s drain and pipes, leading to odour-causing bacteria growth. Regularly cleaning and descaling your sink can help prevent this issue.

By following these tips, such as proper waste disposal, regular cleaning, and seeking professional assistance when needed, you can ensure a fresh and odour-free sink in your home. Remember, if you’re facing persistent or severe odour issues, it’s always best to consult with a professional plumbing company like Grouse Plumbing.