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Knowing how to shut off the mains water supply is an essential skill

Turning off the mains water supply turns off the water to the entire house & being able to do this can save you from potential water-related disasters.

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Step 1: Locate the Main Water Valve

The main water valve is typically located near the water meter or at the point where the water supply enters your property. For most residential homes, you’ll find the main water valve outside, near the front boundary, in a water meter box. Look out for a small cover on the ground. The cover will either be black/blue plastic or metal (as seen in the picture). Ensure you have the necessary tools, such as a spanner, wrench or pliers, to operate the valve.

Double check that your water valve is the correct one for your property, so you do not inadvertently turn off the neighbours’ water!

Step 2: Turn Off the Main Water Valve:

Once you’ve located the main water valve:

1. Rotate the Valve Handle: Use a spanner or pliers to grip the valve handle securely. Turn the handle clockwise (to the right) until it stops. This action will shut off the water flow from the mains into your property.

2. Test the Water Supply: After closing the valve, open a faucet or tap inside your home to verify if the water supply is indeed shut off. If no water flows, you have successfully turned off the mains water supply.

Step 3: Turning the Water Supply Back On:

In case of maintenance or emergencies, it’s crucial to know how to restore the water supply. To turn the mains water supply back on, follow these steps:

1. Rotate the Valve Handle: With a spanner, wrench or pliers, grip the valve handle firmly. Turn the handle counterclockwise (to the left) until it’s fully open. This will allow water to flow back into your property.

2. Check for Leaks: Once the valve is fully open, check for any leaks around the valve or within your plumbing system. If you notice any leaks or irregularities, it’s advisable to seek professional assistance from a licensed plumber.

Knowing how to shut off the mains water supply is an essential skill that can prevent water-related mishaps and potential damage to your property. Familiarise yourself with the location of the main water valve and practice shutting it off and turning the water supply back on.